Family Friendly Issues
We can help you get the best out of your team
We’re here to support you as much or as little as you need us.
Before we get started we always meet our clients and find out more about them, so we can make sure we provide the right solutions.
Generally speaking, when your people have a good work-life balance, they’ll perform better. In addition to creating a good working environment, employers also have to fulfill responsibilities around maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave alongside flexible working requests.
The options are endless and there are an awful lot of technicalities to wade through. We deal with these issues on a daily basis so we can help you get to grips with the legislation and advise you on the best options for your staff and your company.
We can sort out all your documentation, write your policy strategy and even put together your communications, to make sure you stay in line with the regulations and keep your people informed.
“We can help you with a whole range of HR issues, requests and projects. If you’re not sure exactly what support you need, that’s fine, get in touch and we can guide you.”
Gemma Farina
Founder / CEO