Why it’s important to set goals in 2021

Posted: 29/01/21

There is a saying by Norman Vincent Peale “Shoot for the moon.  Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars”.  

The start of 2021 has not been the one we all hoped for with Lockdown 3.0 as soon as the new year started.  A number of businesses we have been talking to over the last month about their plans for 2021 have explained they are waiting to see what happens with lock down ending, before setting their plans and strategies for the rest of the year.  I’ve described it as a “holding pattern”.    

However if you don’t take the time to set goals and business objectives you won’t have anywhere to aim when we do return to some sort of “normal”.  If the growth of your business really is dependent on the easing of lockdown, then now is the time to prepare for launch.  What steps can you take now to ensure your business success in 2021?  Who do you need on board to help you prepare for take-off?

Business goals and objectives are key for motivating your employees and giving them direction.  Now more than ever your employees need to see value and purpose in the work they are doing, and for some, work may be the only thing to keep them focussed during the lockdown period.  Share your business strategy with all your teams so they can see how their individual contribution influences the business moving forward.  

My other saying for the start of 2021 has been “positivity breeds positivity”.  Focussing on the small things we are grateful for has been a lesson for all of us over the last year.   Sometimes we are quick to pick up on the mistakes our employees make, but not quick enough to offer praise for a task completed well.  You may say “well that’s their job”, however at the moment, for some, even just doing “their job” maybe a challenge, depending on what else is going on for them personally, be it home schooling, mental health struggles or isolation.  Keep communicating with remote teams to share successes and celebrate wins, no matter how small.  This will help to keep them focussed and see the positive contribution they are making to the overall growth of the business.  

We can offer guidance and support to breakdown your overall strategy to provide a framework for setting objectives for your employees, and help you ensure you have the right people to support your business aims whatever they maybe.    

So shoot for the moon, you’ll land in the stars and even if you don’t land in the stars, you will reach space and be further forward than you are right now.  

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